You want to become a mentor or a mentee and you need help to set up ?

You are at the right place !

Follow these steps and start your mentoring journey.

Sign in

From your Ines account
By clicking on « Mentoring for All » on the dashboard.
This should directly take you to your profile page.


You are automatically registered
as a mentee.

You already took the mentoring training? You can switch your role to be registered as a mentor. Nevertheless, you can switch to mentee at any time via your profile page.

To become a mentor you need to take part of a certified training open to all. If you are interested, we invite you to register on LFA.


To make it easier, we already preset some of your profile details such as your name, your email, your job title, your entity, your role (mentor if you already took the training, mentee if you didn’t).
We invite you to complete what is missing.
To make our tool work and find the right partner, there are 4 important sections you need to complete.


Make sure :

  • To precisely indicate your workplace address.
    It has to be recognized by the website.
  • To indicate if you are already part of a program
    (Bloom, Inspire, Step Up...) or, as a mentor, if you want to match with mentees who are part of a specific one.


Here, you can decide whether you want to be visible on the platform or not.

You can also add an email address where you want to receive your notifications.


If you are here as a mentee, select the areas you would like to improve.

If you are here as a mentor, select the skills you have and can help a mentee with.

Proactivity & initiative
Crisis management
Problem solving
Forward thinking & planning


Select the languages you manage.

It will allow to sort your futur potential partners by the languages they speak.



If you are a mentor, you have already done a certified training and you can download your diploma here.


If you registered as a mentee, it’s time for you to find your mentor! Go to “search” on the dashboard on the left of your screen.

If you registered as a mentor, your job is done. Now, you just need to wait for a mentee to contact you.

Your location

Potential best matching mentors

Potential matching mentors only on specific criteria and skills

Mentors not fitting your needs

Here, our tool provides you with a list of fitting mentors. By default, they are sorted by location shown on a map to allow you to find a mentor working near you. But mentors you see can also 
be located anywhere, not necessarily near you.

To check out a mentor profile, click on any icon.

You can also directly see mentors' profiles by going on “search by list” on the top of your screen.


When you found a profile you like, just press the “connect” button.

Then, choose a skill you want to work on with this mentor.


Then, on the dashboard on the left, go to “chat”.

From here, you can start chatting with the mentors you’re now connected with.


When contact is made, if you both feel like you have found the one and want to start your mentoring relationship, you need to define together:

  • Mentoring objectives
  • The frequency of your meeting
  • The end date of this relationship:

This end date is of course provisional. It can be changed at any time. Depending on how it is going, your relationship can be shortened or extended.

To make it official, the mentor has to click on “Send mentoring chart”, complete it with these 3 elements and send it to the mentee who must sign it as well.

You’re now ready to start!


Click on “create an event” to ask your partner for a first appointment. He will be noticed by email. Then, you can both directly add it to your Outlook agenda.

We hope you both get the best out of your mentoring journey!


You’re waiting for a chat request, for your partner to sign the charter or for an appointment invitation ?
You don’t need to connect on the platform to check.
You will be automatically notified by email everytime something happens on your account. To make it work, don't forget to fill the 'Notification email' field on your profile.

Once your relationship is over, the mentor has to indicate it on the platform and profiles will be automatically masked. Mentors and mentees can then decide to reuse the platform at any moment.